LONDON: Belgravia
She’s fine, beautiful and burning those photographers eyes behind the camera with her sexy shimmer. Who is the Polish beauty and how did she begin her career?
“I was born in Warsaw, Poland. When I was 13 a photographer discovered me when I was shopping with my friend. We were sooo scared that this guy was some dangerous person. So I called my mum and she checked the agency he mentioned (Mango Models still exists and doing great in Poland). I went for a meeting with Monika, the owner of the agency with my parents and she gave us contract for five years. After a couple of days we signed it.”
Where have you lived or traveled for work and your favorite place?
“I’ve traveled to Tokyo and Osaka in Japan 6 times. Been to Paris, Nice, Milano, London, Barcelona, Madrid, Portugal, Sweden, Greece, Turkey, Germany, Switzerland, Vienna, Czech Republic, Denmark, India and many other places. I don’t have a favourite place except where my family is!”

Favorite designers at the moment?
“I wear everything, so no favorite.”
Diet and exercise routine?
“I don’t have a specific diet. I just try to eat healthy and I looove to eat so for me it’s impossible to be on strict diet. I have my secrets however haha. For me, exercise is mainly stretching with pilates. I do run sometimes and love to do cardio, which is not enough. I’m in the middle of looking for place where I can begin boxing. Needs to be delicate as I don’t want get bruised because of work!”
Favorite desserts?
“Mostly anything and everything with caramel, marmalade and shortcrust. All of them!! I also love to bake and cook.”
Favorite alcoholic or non alcoholic beverage?
“I’m a coffee monster
and for alcohol, it’s got to be gin & tonic.”
Aspects of modeling you like or enjoy?
“I love to travel and see beautiful places while meeting amazing people. It’s good to see how they live and all the differences which we have and learn to appreciate them. Even if we might not understand them at first, learning about a different culture is always good.”
What are your dislikes about modeling?
“I don’t like people who treat us like dolls in a snobby way. They act sometimes like we don’t hear what they are saying, ‘she is to fat’ or ‘she has a big nose’. We are human beings like everyone and those words can hurt anyone with the same force! Especially when a girl is 13 and she doesn’t know that those comments at times are meant to be mean or spiteful and not true. After a while you begin to realize that you can’t take everything people say to heart.”
How many hours do you sleep and is it important?
“Sleep is really important as it keeps you going. I try to sleep at least 8 hours, but sometimes in the modeling business it’s impossible. I lose sleep because of different call times. I sometimes have to work at night, very late. Or, I often start early in the morning after or before a late night.”
What’s your version of a good model vs. a bad model with lifestyle or habits?
“Good models are always on time, in shape and ready to work. It’s a professional job, you work hard. Showing what is right to yourself and everyone can be important. Bad models… I think they are some persons who are selfish and think only about profits, negative in attitude and not in shape etc.”
What was your first big job that made you feel like a model?
“I felt like a model from the beginning. A first type of so called ‘big job’ I really can’t remember. It might have been a simple look book or something for a magazine. But now, when I’m standing in front of the camera nothing else exists. I feel it everytime!”
Which brands, fashion or commercial, have you worked with?
“Wow… I’m a model now for 8 years. I’ve really done a lot of campaigns. Some are, Casio, Luis Buchinho, Puma, Intimissimi, Orsay, Charlotte Tilbury, Braun, L’Oreal, etc.”
Which notable magazines or publications have you been in?
“Harpers Bazaar: Poland, Japan-cover and inside, Greece-inside and cover, Vogue-Spain, Marie Claire France, Belgium-cover, Cosmopolitan: France, UK, Czech Republic, Russia, Zink, several more…”
Any plans for acting in the future?
“I would love to do acting and I already did some small episodes in movies but I’m still waiting for my big role! If any director is reading this don’t hesitate to write me! haha. “
Anything quirky you want to share with us?
“I’m studying criminology at the University in Poland. I want to work in a prison for a bit and be among this community mainly for understanding how it all works. It’s sooo interesting to me! I also sing a lot but mostly when I’m alone or in the shower haha.”