LONDON: St. John’s Wood
Born and raised in Poland, Joanna Prus was not chasing the model dream. She began her career in modeling later than most after moving to New York. She was discovered by a photographer who recognized her raw talent and introduced her to one of the largest agencies in New York City where she began her journey.
“I started pretty late because I never thought I could become one. I did a test shoot with a photographer, Eduardo Garcia, who showed my pictures to Elite. Shortly after I began to book jobs and everything began moving.”
Places traveled for work?
“I have been working a lot in South America. Colombia, Peru, Ecuador, Mexico, Dominican Republic, El Salvador, etc. are places I often travel to for bookings. I would say most of my foreign bookings are in these countries.”
First modeling job that made you feel like a real model?
“My first job that I was excited to shoot was a swimwear campaign for Caffe Swimwear in 2012. I love the brand from before and it was a such a great surprise.”
Favorite designers at the moment?
“I love to admire and wear fashion, but I stick to very simple styles. I love American Apparel, Converse, Abercombie, Urban Outfitters and anything casual.”
Diet and exercise routine?
“I love food haha… I eat clean, so a lot of fruits vegetables – which I love. I am a runner, almost everyday. I love tennis and skiing. To stay in shape I usually take classes like boxing, pilates and yoga.”
Away from the diet, favorite foods and alcoholic or non alcoholic drinks?
“I don’t drink alcohol… Simply because I don’t like the taste of it. If I could choose one cheat food to eat for the rest of my life without it affecting my weight, it would be chocolate and ice cream!”

Overall perception of the modeling industry now that you are experienced?
“I think it’s a fun job to have for a short period of time. You should always have a plan ‘B’ and work towards it and use all the contacts you met during your modeling career.”
Any thoughts of acting or moving into another career after modeling?
“I started scouting models, working on their development and placing them with well known agencies around the world. So far I am growing, but you never know. I am looking at a few more options, hopefully more than one will work out!”
Something quirky about you that people don’t expect?
“Some people think I am a psychic or am in tune with the celestial world. I know a lot about zodiac signs. I can guess a person’s sign after having conversation with them for a while. I’m intuitive and can sense human nature, or at least I think so.”

What sort of charities are you working with at the moment?
“I recently was fortunate enough to experience a trip to Haiti and came across two amazing organizations that do so much for those less fortunate. There are many victims who lost their homes and families due to an earthquake.
One is Project Medishare that was founded in 1994 by Doctors Barth Green and Arthur Fournier from the University of Miami School of Medicine. They provide medical care in some of the poorest parts of Haiti that have no other access to healthcare. They operate all sorts of mobile clinics and work a ton with maternity sectors. They also help operate the only trauma hospital in the country. I became a very close friend with Dr. Greens daughter Jenna, who showed me what they do and I was blown away.
The second one is called I’m ME and was founded by former football player David Nelson and his Brother Patrick. At first, I only knew what was on TV and went in with a cautious heart. Wow….. was I taken back… I witnessed unimaginable suffering and heart heartbreaking stories from those who experienced it. I was shocked! I am used to people receiving treatment when they are on the edge of death. In Haiti, it is provided only when those who care actually step in to make a difference. Amongst the suffering and turmoil, it was a blessing to witness this care in action.
David and Patrick Nelson are incredibly dedicated brothers, founders of I’m ME, who sacrifice their lives to help these children in desperate need. Currently they live with 10 children, that only weeks before, were on the brink of starvation and close to death. After a tour with David, I decided to help raise some money and started my own supporting campaign ~Voice for the Voiceless~ to help at least a little. I am joining their goal which is to stop the orphan cycle and provide homes and education for those amazing kids, so one day they can take care of their beautiful country.”
“Finally, I have been involved with volunteering at animal shelters. My goal has always been to really make a hands on impact that will change the lives of those who need it the most. Either it’s innocent animals or kids that have no voice. I volunteer at Miami Dade shelter on my free time. I give doggies baths, take them for walks, take pictures of them and post it on social media to get them seen for possible adoption. Last year I found so many doggies on death row new adopted homes. One of them ended up in Switzerland and has the best life in the Alps. I am trying to spread the message about adopting doggies instead of buying them from breeders. For every dog you buy, one dog loses its life or euthanized for space. Miami Dade is known to be a high kill shelter and has so many amazing loving doggies waiting for their future home.”